Basic recipe card. Simple and classic. Just like the ones your mom used before everything was digital. I think this is a great idea to have someone you love write down their best recipes to share with the family. It really means something when you can see a loved ones writing on recipe cards. Also, like a great very loved cookbook, ones that are imperfect and worn from use and the best ones! I have a recipe card from my mother in law with her amazing buttermilk cookie recipe. She makes these for me when I come to visit and always send a few in the car with cold drinks when my father in law picks us up from the airport!
Here's an idea that has been on my mind for a while. I love when a wedding shower includes favorite recipes from the attendees. What a great way to shower the bride - best loved recipes from family and friends. When I have done this in the past, I always share my favorite recipe for Sour Cream Coffee Cake from Cotton Country Cookbook. This is one of my mom's favorite cookbooks - talk about well loved, when she bought my sister and I our own copy, we didn't recognize the cover!!
Love the idea of the pineapple. Pineapple means "welcome".

I am already thinking ahead for holiday gifts for my neighbors. One of the ladies at my bus stop gave me this great jar filled with choc chip oatmeal cookie mix and a note on how to make them. This card would have been perfect!
Hampton Paper Designs personalized recipe cards, 24 for $40.00
I've never sent recipe cards and probably won't. I have sent some of the other canned cards until I got a few in the mail from other agents and found they didn't move me. I've had the best luck - and spent the least - sending out letters with info about neighbourhood sales.