
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Greg's Summer Picks

Lucky for me, the three day weekend meant that my husband Greg had time to take a trip to Williams Sonoma. I thought I would share what he picked up!

The Jade Sichuan Peanut Sauce is our FAVORITE! Greg grills chicken, onions and yellow & red peppers and then mixes it with ziti pasta. Its an amazing entree or side dish in the summer. Everyone who has ever had it has raved. Try it, its so yummy.

Jackson's favorite weekend treat is waffles. This waffle mix from WS is the BEST.

Last night I had chicken and rice with the Miso Sauce. It was delicious.

Greg is obsessed with buying and making his own meat and veggie rubs. We like this Smoke house one shown here and below are the ones he made himself a few years ago. We packaged them in Mason Jars and added a HPD sticker and gave them to family and friends.

A sauce/rub or two make a good summer hostess gift!

BTW - he also came back with a sno cone machine and syrups. Cant wait to use that at the block party this weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let the Summer of 2012 Begin

Well, Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us and with is comes the official start of Summer 2012. I cant wait to see what the summer has in store for us this year. We are already thrilled with the opening of our favorite farmer's markets which we have been waiting patiently to open so we could get our fix of Betty's Chips and Salsa.  Please take caution in reading this blog further in that these chips and salsa are AMAZING. Seriously to die for good. We have been sharing them at our neighborhood get together's and our friends are in agreement they are yummy and addictive. Its like when I introduced a few friends to Pinterest and they couldn't stop pinning and they said I should have warned them. So, I am warning you, try at your own risk but if you do you will see what everyone is raving about. Check out Betty's web site to see where she is going to be locally in the NOVA area or you can order on line!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh Yes I Did!

I went to lunch with a friend of mine about 6 months ago. It was pooring rain but she looked amazing after having a Keratin treatment done on her hair. So finally I worked up enough courage to have it done and WOW love the staight shiny hair today! I took this pic this morning w. my iphone so not a great shot.....

Monday, May 21, 2012

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?

I'm was seriously heart broken to learn that my beloved Robin Gibb passed away yesterday. I consider myself the Bee Gees #1 Fan -not in a Kathy Bates, Misery way- but in one that has loved them for years, even decades. Their song are timeless and the lyrics so beautifully written. Favorite Song? How Deep is Your Love which they wrote for Andy. Best Line.... The third.

Coincidentally, it's this same song that haunted my dad and I for years as we could never figure out the words to the one part which are "you know the door to my very soul" hmm I thought it was you know the note to every song.

Thanks to everyone for all the condolence emails and texts - you know me so well!

RIP dear Robin. We will miss you.

How Deep Is Your Love
I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wander far from me I wanna feel you in my arms again

And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave And it's me you need to show How Deep Is Your Love How deep is your love, How deep is your love I really need to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me

I believe in you You know the door to my very soul You're the light in my deepest darkest hour You're my saviour when I fall And you may not think I care for you When you know down inside That I really do And it's me you need to show How Deep Is Your Love

How deep is your love, How deep is your love I really need to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me

And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave And it's me you need to show How Deep Is Your Love How deep is your love, How deep is your love I really need to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me

Friday, May 18, 2012

Meet the Class of 2025

It was a bittersweet day a few weeks ago when I had to take my younger son, Jackson, to the local elementary school for Kindergarten orientation. I cant believe my baby is going to be going to school next year. They grow up so fast, I wish I could just stop time. The excitement on Jackson's face was priceless, as you may know for earlier blogs, "Kindergarten is his dream"! They gave the kids a tour of the school, showing them the gym, art and music room and kindergarten pod and of course ended with a bus ride.

The parents were lectured on on how to prepare our youngsters for this next phase. A friend of mine was sitting next to me and pointed to one of the documents that said "CLASS OF 2025" and it just struck me as so funny. I hadn't thought about it that way, so engrossed in this moment and not thinking about it will eventually lead to him graduating in the year 2025!!! Seems so far off but I know it will be here before I know it.

While the Principal and teachers continued speaking my mind when crazy planning... you guessed it another back to school party. You may recall we did a big back to school celebration last year for Thomas so I had to think of something different and then it came to me...."Meet the Class of 2025" is the perfect theme!!! I will plan to use our grad cap and scroll and think a ice cream social in September will be a great way to mark this huge milestone. Ohhh I cant wait to get my hands on all those school supplies in Aug!
Jackson on the far right and 2 of his friends. If you know me from when I was in elementary school in Queensbury, NY you may get a kick out of Jackson's RL shirt that says "Lake George" on it!
I see T-Shirts with this image  that Say "Class of 2025" on the back.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thomas' Pool Party Revealed

Remember the birthday parties you had when you were a kid? The most important things were that all your friends were there to help you celebrate and your mom baked you your favorite cake. Well, we decided this year to scale down a bit on Thomas' birthday party and keep it simple. We managed to do that ( I admit I have a few moments where I started spinning out of control with the ideas...) and wow what a great time was had by all (incuding me). We have a few last minute things to get ready on Saturday morning but by 12:00 we were finished with 4 hours to spare so we relaxed by the pool and waited for our guests to arrive. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day 82 and sunny and no humidity. I think this might have been Thomas's favorite party so far!!

The kids went swimming, relaxed in the hot tub (so spoiled kids today!!), ate burgers and then we had cake and an ice cream sundae bar. Then, you guessed it, back to the pool!!!
Love these goodie baskets. I included a beach towel, legos, big box of candy and of course Shark Bait (bubble gum!)

Fresh flowers....tried to look for boysih colors, not always easy!

Thomas contemplating his wish. You should have heard the oohhhhs and ahhhs from the kids about his cake. They where overwhelmed by all those Kit Kat's and M&Ms. The cake idea is from Made in Melissa's Kitchen
Little Brother Jackson steps in to help blow out the candles.
Hmmm wonder what that wish was.....

This brings a smile to my face - a table full of goodie baskets for the kids. They flipped when they saw them. One little girl thought the baskets were better than what the Easter Bunny delivered.

I used HPD postcards for the tags. A quick whole punch and ribbon and tada - they were a great size.
Little thank you note from Thomas on the back of the Post Cards. Loved these beach towels I found at Target. They were super soft and a great price.

Close up of goodie baskets. Loved these towels that had Lobsters on them from Target.
Close up of Shark Bait!
This is the debut of our new style for invitations.  I added a gift enclosure with important information about the party!
WOW- 9!!!!
My last minute idea... Shark Bait. Little glassine bags filled with Gum.
Adhering to our home made theme - Thomas wrote the "Welcome" sign
Jackson and Thomas prepare the cake. Sundae Bar supplies in the background.
"More M&Ms" they said!
Jackson wrote a "to do" list for us for Saturday.  Pretty good writing and spelling for age 5!

I had these fill in thank you notes printed a head of time so we could get started on them right away. I should have just had "LEGO'S" preprinted as that is what he received from almost everyone. I guess they know what Thomas likes!

Do you want to re-create this party? We are happy to help! Here is where we purchased the supplies. Send us a note so we can assist you!
Hampton Paper Invitations
Hampton Paper Gift Enclosures
Hampton Paper Post Cards
Hampton Paper Fill in Thank you Notes
Baskets Michaels
Lego's Lego Store
Candy Target
Beach Towels Target
Items are available on Etsy and our web site.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Recipe for a Great Weekend!

New Food Network Magazine + SUN + Chaise Lounges + Lemonade by the Pool = A GREAT WEEKEND!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Do you remember our blog post from January where we were busy working over the weekend on a gift for  a big celebrity? Did you guess Shondra Rhimes? Since that post she has not only added another amazing show (Scandal) on ABC to her already impressive line up which included Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice but also a new baby she adopted, Emerson.  Thanks to Shondra Rhimes for her Hampton Paper shout out on Twitter!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thinking of Summer

I am thinking of summer as Memorial Day is just around the corner. I think this new shells image will be perfect for August in our 2013 desk calendar.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is This A Coincidence?

Do you think its a coincidence this AMAZING new image arrived just a few months before my husband Greg's 42nd Birthday? Hmmmm, I am a bit suspicious.
Let's see how this sounds..


Seriously, isn't this great for a 40 something celebration?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So New!

So New! We are adding two new images to our embroidery portfolio. Here are the first stitch outs. Usually it takes 2-3 to get the colors just right! A few modifications and these will be ready to go! Both will be adorable on a red tote and I am going to use the lobster on our new coasters which will be available soon!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Patiently Waiting

Remember my blog here about the new table and chairs I wanted for my kitchen? ( I know it was ages ago March of 2011 to be exact...). The new chairs came on Wednesday and the table is scheduled to arrive today! Cant' wait to get put these beautiful flowers on it. You may recall that the chairs were our "steal" from the Pine Mine and the table was the splurge from Eddy West. Stay tuned for the big reveal!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Study Spaces

It feels like forever I have been trying to find two desks for my boys computer room. It seemed like every place I checked had a price tag of $400.00 plus dollars which I had to multiply by 2. Way out of my budget given everything else I have been trying to do on the house. I didnt really even want the storage space, just a nice big work table for their computers. The situation recently became more urgent as they now share a table side by side and my oldest son, Thomas, has logged several complaints to upper management that my younger son, Jackson is listening to the Capitals Hockey highlights too often and too loud. ( I sympathize with Thomas on this one. )So, I decide to look again for something that would work and was in my budget of around $200.00 each. I am thrilled to share with you that I found these great sawhorse tables which can be used for desks at West Elm  on sale for $169.99! I love the red but went with the white. They are the perfect solution - tons of space and a great price. We picked up one at the store yesterday and the 2nd is on its way. Now I need to search for chairs!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Day.... I mean Mother's Day

My Day, I mean Mother's Day is just around the corner. I told my husband I didnt need a gift. Really, picking up 2 sets of dirty white socks everyday, 365 days a year and getting to wash them is gift enough! Seriously though, I stopped by Tiffany on Sunday and picked up two Tiffany Twist Round Charms that I have been stalking since they came out. I plan to get their first initial engraved in them. I also fell in love with this new charm bracelet. My husband was happy to mark "get wife Mother's Day gift" off his list and I got what I wanted so everyone's happy! What's on your wish list?