Friday, August 27, 2010

I've Discovered: Chic Envy

Well, okay, maybe I didnt technically discover it, my friend Kim did and since she follows my blog, I better give credit where credit is due.

The discovery is Chic Envy, an upscale consignment boutique in Fairfax Square. This store is run by a delightful mother-daughter team, and the bright and charming interior has the look and feel of a high end boutique.

Chic Envy is great for a few things I own that are fabulous but just not fabulous on me. As much as I hate to admit it, I have, on occasion, fallen prey to a trendy piece that is best left to someone who got lucky in the height department. There are also some things that I dropped a few bucks on and used but no longer fit my lifestyle. Those adorable little LV and Gucci bags that only fit keys and lipstick are of no use for this on the go mom!

This weekend I pulled everything for fall that for one reason or another no longer belongs in my closet. I cant wait to bring it over to Chic Envy for 2 reasons -

1. when I go to get dressed, I know in my closet will be things that are flattering (hopefully expediting the dressing process)

2. over the next 3 months, I will get that very welcomed check in the mail for items that were just hanging in my closet anyway!

Give 'em a call to schedule an appointment for fall and winter and let me know what you think!

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