People weren't kidding when they said once you have kids, time flies. I am shocked at the realization that my first born son will soon be 8. The last few weeks have been a stressful time as I struggled to think of what to do to celebrate his birthday. It has to be fabulous. I pulled the local family magazine to seek inspiration and came up short.
I thought it would be fun to do a movie party and incorporate some of the movie images from Hampton Paper. My brain went into over time on party favors that I could incorporate.
I have decided to do a movie screening at our house. Once option is to have the movie set up outside. Mid May we may have a backyard full of digging equipment for the pool but its definitely a great idea once we have the backyard organized and can serve as Plan B if the yard isnt dug up. The other option is to have it in the house on the big screen TV in the basement. Once that was decided upon, I needed to determine the movie. Yesterday morning, it came to me..... Diary of A Wimpy Kid. Perhaps the new one Roderick Rules will be out on DVD if not, the first one will do just fine. Have you seen these movies? Full of 6th-7th grade boy humor they are actually very funny and the kids laugh out loud during the entire show.
More updates to follow as we begin to plan this fun celebration.
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